Who we are, where we are going…
But first let me introduce myself :)
Who i am?
I’m Kamil, a 26 y.o. boy, who loves IT and every topic related to it.
My first experience with ‘coding’, started when I was 4 y. o. Maybe that was not strict coding thing, but I’ve organized for my dad, contact for a one woman from the US, which make websites, and which made the first website for my dad.
Then through years of childhood, I’ve experimented in some game server scripts, etc.. When I was 14 y.o., I’ve started to dig into PHP, and I’m still digging in it ;)
First websites were some simple text-based games, which I wrote base on GamersFusion and Vallheru scripts. Then i moved onto developing some more useful things.
I’ve got opened my first blog, in 2009 and continued that until 2011.
In 2014 y., to give a commercial theme of my hobbies, I’ve opened with my friend a first company - WebCrafters. We are started as two freelancers. Me - PHP backend developer, and Mateusz - frontend developer, and a guy who finds clients for us.
Through 4 years, we have improved our skills, and we are done many different projects, with different technologies.
Now, it’s time, to reopen my blog, and found some time to write new articles onto it :)